Data protection: You can rely on our data protection!

Data protection pursuant to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

We want you to be able to use our feedback tool without worrying about data protection. Therefore we take this opportunity to explain, clearly and comprehensibly, how we actively protect your data and those of your participants.

The most important points at a glance:

1.1 No use or disclosure of data

Lead1ng AG obligates itself not to use surveys, survey results, and user data (e.g. participants’ e-mail addresses) of the customer in any form or to provide them to any third parties.

1.2 IP-addresses are anonymous and cannot be assigned

Lead1ng AG ensures as a neutral third party that IP-addresses are anonymous and cannot be assigned. When carrying out the survey in the internal corporate network, this is often not guaranteed. The customer will not have any access to the IP-addresses of the participants at any time. Collecting IP-addresses of the participants on the log files of the server is exclusively done in an anonymous form.

1.3 SSL- encoding

The user accounts and data transmissions are SSL-encrypted (256-byte Extended Validation SSL encryption) as standard. The data collected from participants will be transferred encrypted by using SSL. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a hybrid encryption protocol for secure data transmission over the internet.

1.4 Personal Data

Personal data will only be stored if you or your employer as the customer provides us with the information for execution of a feedback (feedback is hereinafter always performing as 360°/270°/180° feedback) or an employee survey. For the execution of an online survey / a feedback we need and process at least the following personal information from you:

  • Gender (Mr / Ms)
  • First name and last name
  • E-mail address
  • Company name

Moreover, we may also collect, store and process, if necessary, following personal data:

  • Academic Title (Dr ...)
  • Age
  • Position

Each user may review and change his/her personal data by logging in to the application and navigating to "My Profile" in the menu. For the survey, we collect, store and use your personal data exclusively for execution of the feedback. Your participation in a feedback is always voluntary.

1.5 Anonymisation

To create a feedback-report Lead1ng AG will transfer your data into a data processing system. For a 360°/270°/180° feedback your answers will be detached from your person and saved in feedback-provider-groups in an anonymous form and combined with the responses of other feedback providers by means of a data-processing system. Even Lead1ng AG cannot assign responses to individuals. A conclusion about the individual responses of the respective feedback-providers is generally excluded by the anonymisation; except the feedback of the manager. This can be traced because the manager is usually classified as the only person in the feedback-provider-group "manager". This also applies feedback-receiver him-/herself and the answers of his/her self-assessment.

Subsequently, this collected data are processed and analyzed in an individual result-report for the feedback-receiver. If necessary, result-reports for groups (Management-Reports) are also created for the customer. A group-report summarizes the individual reports of the feedback-receivers (e.g. all the feedback-receivers of a particular business sector). Conclusions on the individual responses of the respective feedback-receiver as well as -providers are not possible due to the anonymisation. As part of an employee survey, your answers will be detached from your person and stored in an anonymised form and combined with the responses of other feedback providers. Subsequently, these collected data are processed and evaluated in reports for individual organizational units (e.g. departments). Conclusions on the responses of individual feedback-providers are not possible.

1.6 Forwarding / use of survey results

The use of aggregated and anonymised results by consultants & trainers of Lead1ng AG is exclusively done in accordance to the contract between Lead1ng AG and the respective client (customer). 360°/270°/180° feedback-reports are only forwarded to the respective feedback-receiver. Only if the respective feedback-receiver gives a written permission to Lead1ng AG to provide the result-reports to selected third parties, these reports will be forwarded.

1.7 Deletion of Data

Only Lead1ng AG can delete the data of user accounts physically. The deletion of data from the standardized backups of Lead1ng AG-tools will be effected not later than three months after the physical deletion.

1.8 Commitment to Data Privacy

All employees of Lead1ng AG are trained on data protection and are committed to confidentiality. An internal data protection officer has been appointed for Lead1ng AG.

1.9 Operation of Lead1ng AG

The internet platform of Lead1ng AG exclusively operates on our own servers in Germany. Lead1ng AG servers have RAID and redundant power supplies. They are operated in an air-conditioned data center with redundant power and internet access, as well as operated with separate UPS-units (for redundant uninterruptible power supply) and an emergency diesel generator. The data center has a secured entrance with an electronic lock system including alarm and video surveillance.

1.10 Data backup / backup

There is a standardized backup process to a decoupled backup system.

1.11 Entrance Control

The business premises of Lead1ng AG can be accessed only through a central entrance with a locked door with a doorbell. An employee grants access to the building. All rooms with computers inside are securely locked in case of a prolonged absence of an employee. Visitors access the office space with computers only under supervision.

1.12 Access Control

All computers are protected by password and VPN (Virtual Private Networks).

1.13 Data Entry Control

As a rule all data are entered, changed or deleted solely by the participants themselves. Lead1ng AG does not change or delete any data without instructions or written agreement.

1.14 Data Security

If necessary, a supplementary Data Security Agreement can be made with Lead1ng AG by the customer.

1.15 Comments on Application

Our automated data collection system is a completely platform-independent software that is available for online surveys around the world and at any time for the survey participants and administrators. For this purpose, no installation on the local system of our customers is necessary. All you need is one of the major browsers (such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Google Chrome, Safari) and any operating system (such as Windows, MacOS, Unix, Linux, Solaris).
